Confezioni Bieffe

Confezioni Bieffe is an Italian family business founded in 1976 in the textile district of Prato. It was born with the aim of dressing women with feminine and elegant garments.

Today is an established reality in the field of women’s clothing “ready to wear”.

In recent years, thanks to the generational change, there has been further innovation, without ever losing sight of the values on which the brand is based.

Quality, speed, accessibility

These are the strengths that characterize our company.

Confezioni Bieffe is in fact able to meet the need to make accessible and faster finding quality garments for all needs.

The brand follows the trend of the market and fashions, going to create constantly updated models with a refined care in style.

Made in Italy

These are the strengths that characterize our company.

Confezioni Bieffe is in fact able to meet the need to make accessible and faster finding quality garments for all needs.

The brand follows the trend of the market and fashions, going to create constantly updated models with a refined care in style.